Camu Camu Extract

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Camu Camu Extract

(Myrciaria dubia H.B.K)

This little fruit, from the heart of Amazon, is known for being the greatest natural source of vitamin C of the world, with more than a hundred times the amount found in orange, for example. Due to this amount, camu camu is a powerful food and is increasingly gaining the interest of people in Brazil and in the world. Its benefits are several, among which we can highlight the contribution to immunological system strengthening, improvement of brain functions and increased production of white blood cells The fruit still has detox, anti-inflammatory functions and stimulates cardiac, respiratory and blood functions. Camu camu can also help to improve humor and cognitive balance and, consequently, acts in the prevention of depression.

Camu camu, normally used as a powder and mixed with other fruits, is used in food and beverage industry as an ingredient for juices, ice creams, sweets, energy drinks, cereal bars, yogurts, food supplements and encapsulated phytotherapics or tablets, among other products.